Tuesday, 24 October 2023

 Haslemere Library Chatterbooks

On Saturday October 7th local author Stephen Frye visited our library. He talked about his book “Our Accidental Letters” and about how he got interested in the natural world.  His book is a collection of nature-based stories in the form of letters written to a young family as the coronavirus took hold.  Some of the stories are based locally at places like Blackdown and the River Wey, others are taken from Stephen’s childhood.  The book also contains lots of fun activities. Stephen’s talk likewise had lots of fun activities including the dissection of owl pellets and a quiz that everyone thoroughly enjoyed!

Copies of Stephen's book are available to borrow from the library.  You can also visit www.ouraccidentalletters.com.

For more information about our club email haslemere.library@surreycc.gov.uk