Welcome to Surrey Libraries' Chatterbooks blog.
Chatterbooks are reading groups for children aged 7 to 11 years old, which are run regularly in some Surrey libraries. Chatterbooks is a project co-ordinated by The Reading Agency.
Reading for pleasure is more important to children's success than education or social class. Chatterbooks children’s reading groups help children build a lifelong reading habit. Because everything changes when we read.
This blog is a place for Surrey Libraries' Chatterbooks group members to share their thoughts and ideas about the books they are reading or have read, as well as activities they have been taking part in as members of the group.
In March we read "Tales of Beedle the Bard" by JK Rowling. April's book is Black Hearts in Battersea by Joan Aiken. We currently have 8 members. We usually do a word search, discussion on the book and another activity e.g craft or finding clues around the library to make a word relating to the current book.