Monday, 9 March 2020

Haslemere Library Chatterbooks

We have now read four of the five books on the Surrey Libraries' Children's Book Award shortlist. The books have prompted quite a lot of discussion from the delights of mouldy cheese to the secrets of growing plants.  Activities, so far, have included writing letters in the style of Picklewitch, designing our own dragons and a snail trail around the library.

Abigail with Night of the Living Ted by Barry Hutchison.

Miriam with The Boy who lived with Dragons by Andy Shepherd.

Amber with Sherlock and the Baker Street Curse by Sam Hearn.

Charlotte with Hotel Flamingo by Alex Milway and a copy of our Library Snail Trail.

A few letters written in Picklewitch style inspired by Picklewitch and Jack by Claire Barker.

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