Saturday, 4 July 2020

Haslemere Library Chatterbooks

Chatterbooks at Haslemere Library would like to pass on their congratulations to Claire Barker who won the Surrey Libraries' Children's Book Award.  We were really pleased by how much she appreciated the creative work inspired by her book Picklewitch and Jack.  
During in lockdown we have continued to read lots of books at home both in paperback and in ebook.  

Peril in Paris by Katherine Woodfine was one of the last books we took home with us.  It is a really exciting, historical mystery.

In May we visited RBdigital and read funny ebooks by authors such as David Walliams and Jeremy Strong.

Theo really enjoyed reading the ebook version of The Devil and his Boy by Anthony Horowitz.

Abigail has been reading The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett with some of her school friends.

In June we were invited to take part in the Surrey Libraries and Brooklands Radio Reading Aloud Competition. Congratulations to the winners who were asked to read the audiobook trailer for SeaBEAN by Sarah Holding.

Other competitions, this time with the Reading Agency have included the chance to win a free copy of Wonderscape by Jennifer Bell and Good Hawk by Joseph Elliott.

Over the next few months we are taking part in the 2020 Silly Squad Summer Reading Challenge!

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